Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Things left undone

I noticed the other day that my house was dusty. So I left the computer and started dusting. After it was cleaned, I sat at ease. Later that day, my husband came home and never said a word. I realized then how much easier it is to see that which is undone, not that which is done. We notice the clothes on the floor, the dirty laundry hamper piled up. We do not notice a clean house.
Spiritually as well, we notice the person who continues to use prejudiced language, but don't really remark, "Wow, that person is not a bigot!" And we worry often about what is undone, the cards not sent, the phone calls not made.
Working to do that which is right may not get noticed. But what we do that is outside of whom we claim to be, will be noticed! We are called to live accordingly. We want to be transformed from the inside out, to be the unspotted bride of Christ.